AWS Summit Switzerland 2019

AWS Summit Switzerland 2019

- 1 min

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Cloudreach
  3. Sessions
  4. Takeaways

AWS Summit - Switzerland 2019 (Baden, Switzerland)


This is a one-day event dedicated to learn about the AWS platform through breakout sessions that cover a wide range of topics from new services and architecture to performance and operations. The event was mainly focus to bright the opportunity to connect the Swiss community to share their doubt and achievements on their journey to the cloud.


As an experienced company on the field, we were present on this event to show our support to AWS as partners, and to support the Swiss community on their business transformation using cloud and to show them how they can adopt the latest technologies on their daily basis.


Among others, Coudreach was running a session with the participation of a customer on the stage to show how working together we were able to achieve amazing results, moving customer workloads to the cloud, helped the company to transform their business. This session was called “Testimony: Build Cloud-Native applications in an enterprise environment”, presented on the Rigi conference room at 12:30pm by Angelos, Felix and Jan classified as Level 100.

On the other hand, the agenda of sessions were extense and with a big variaty of levels following these ranges: Level 100 (Introductory), Level 200 (Intermediate), Level 300 (Advanced) & Level 400 (Expert).


I think it is always important to be connected with the community to understand better the situation and the solutions that every individual or company is looking for. What I also learned from this experience is that sharing experiences also empowers your creativity and makes you start planning your next project.

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